Business school, recruiting season, on campus interviews
Winter 1985
In office interviews, business lunch, did anyone say anything about your beard? Job offer
August 19, 1985
My first day on the job. Computer Consultant. Corporate America. Show up at the NYC office after taking the train. An empty office. Guess I didn’t get the memo. There’s an office party in the suburbs.
Scramble for directions, arrive in a suit, everyone’s casual, the only one with a beard.
Next day I show up at work, short sleeves. After a few days, the HR lady says, “we don’t wear short sleeve shirts. It’s unprofessional.”
September 30, 1985
My training complete, 3 weeks in NYC, 3 weeks in St. Charles, IL. I show up at the office in Roseland, NJ. Ready for my first assignment. The partner asks if anyone has talked to me about my beard. Well, I can’t tell you to shave, but nobody here has a beard.
October 1, 1985
I show up in Trenton, NJ. Clean shaven, suit, long sleeve shirt, suitable, completely uncomfortable
2000, a new millennium
Computer consultants no longer wear suits, now business casual
September 4, 2007
Change careers. Financial advisor. We wear suits, long sleeve shirts.
2010, a new decade
Decide to go business casual, controversial, younger generation follows, grow beards
March 16, 2020
COVID. I work from home in my pajamas, shaving whenever I feel the urge.
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