October 9, 2007. The Dow Jones reaches 14,164, an all-time high.
October 9, 2008. Midtown Manhattan
I’m sitting outside a restaurant with my daughter, “relaxing” in the warmth of a sunny afternoon, sharing an appetizer, drinks in hand. I’m in the city to facilitate a presentation my colleague Bob will make about the stock market. Ali’s a college sophomore and wants to spend a semester abroad in Israel. Not now. Surprise and disappointment line her face. Sorry, but the financial…..
The taxi drops us off at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Lorie, Drew and I out on the town taking in some sights. Drew panics.
Oh shit, I don’t have my keys!
Oh shit! Let’s run I say. We’ll see if he’s still here.
Oh shit. So we take off, Drew and I running, Lorie staying in place in case she sees him. We circle the building and find the cabbie at the exit, approach him out of breath. …..
Fall 1984
Business school, recruiting season, on campus interviews
Winter 1985
In office interviews, business lunch, did anyone say anything about your beard? Job offer
August 19, 1985
My first day on the job. Computer Consultant. Corporate America. Show up at the NYC office after taking the train. An empty office. Guess I didn’t get the memo. There’s an office party in the suburbs.
Scramble for directions, arrive in a suit, everyone’s casual, the only one with a…..
I was new in town, first trip to the beer store. Deep in the heart of Trump country. Just looking for a 12 pack for the weekend, settling on Yuengling. Seeing Paul there, a friendly face, a case of craft beer on the counter.
And then behind us in line was this weathered old man, more space than teeth in his grin, carting two cases of Rheingold. A blast from the past, the beer of choice for my fellow Mets…..
bone on bone, too young to feel this old
suffering derision, making my decision
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Degenerative joint disease of the right hip.
I say good-bye
Election Day 2000
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Right total hip replacement.
X marks the spot
general anesthesia induction, skin incision, capsule exposed, hip dislocated, central cap inserted, excellent stable fit, femur attached uncemented, excellent stable fit, excellent stable range of motion, wound irrigated,…..
I’m dreaming. He appears in our kitchen dressed in a light windbreaker and baseball cap. My wife sitting on the carpet, facing outside at the french doors, unaware. My son watching TV in the family room, seeing him. We’re both surprised. I’m in the kitchen watching him, asking him how he is. He’s fine he says, he’s learned how to walk on water. They’ve put wings on his feet. And then he’s gone.
My father-in-law Evan passed away in April…..
“Mom, I’m going outside,” shouting upstairs as I put on my white sailor cap. At least it used to be white.
“Up to the church lot to play stickball.”
“Okay, be careful, watch for cars, don’t run in the road.”
I grab my bat, a broomstick from the hardware store. And two tennis balls, worn from too many games between my parents. They don’t keep score, or so they say.
I have a quarter for candy and a…..
three stories set to music
meeting the choir, lifting me higher, arrangement rehearsal, role reversal
upstanding, down-to-earth
unpretentious, conscientious, useful, truthful, modest, honest
withstanding, without hesitation
center stage, coming of age, surprising spotlight, intriguing plight, asking to sit, directed to stand
outstanding, in concert
beginning in silence, eyes closing with reverence, mind ready, voice…..
Encouraged by the openness of Poetic Conversations, I read “A Sense of Awe” as a guided meditation. At the end of the session, questions about phrases, words, concepts arose. So I held a second session to study the text, kindred spirits engaged in spirited conversation.
This experience emboldened me to offer two pathways for sharing my books. The first session a guided meditation centered around feeling the words, a spiritual experience. The second session a discussion directed toward understanding the…..
I hear myself say, “so let’s move.”
the words more a statement than a suggestion, knowing this is right
caught unawares in awareness, ripples from a sea change, a rite of passage
imperceptible, irresistible, possibility, clarity,
I see an artist studio born out of a garage where I can write
surprising and unsurprising, listen in wonder,
I learn there will be a yoga studio…..